Friday, November 22, 2013

The High Jump

So it is the high jump right? Not the low jump? Just checking.

Elder Davis read was telling me this morning about an experience L. Tom Perry had with his son Lee. Lee was practicing jumping over the minimum qualifying height for the high jump and never missed it. Of course his dad encouraged him to jump higher than what was easy for him. Anyone involved in sports knows you should never be satisfied with the minimum requirements. So he was pushed and became even better.

I'm not the best at living this principle. In school I always barely scraped by, and in work it was often the same. I never really had any solid goals for my life. Even now it's difficult to set meaningful and real goals. I've spent a lot of time just trying to get by. I did enough work to keep people off my back. I had no vision of the future.

When you look forward to the future and can visualize something you want, it's much easier to accomplish everything it takes to get there. Will you sacrifice what you want now, so that you can have something better in the future? In my opinion it comes down to whether or not you can really visualize that future and believe it is a possibility.

I know that if we apply these principles to our spiritual well-being we will have a much more fulfilling life. As we do what we know we should we will naturally want to do more good, because we will see the blessings that come. Some people see religion as a set of rules restricting us. I see that every single commandment God has given us has a blessing attached to it. God wants us to obey his rules, not because he's power hungry, but because he wants us to be happy.

Picture this: Limbo bar going up each time instead of down =D. Yeah right... what's the fun in that?

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